
Anal Sac Disease In Dogs--A New Treatment

What are the Anal Sacs?

Commonly called the ‘anal glands’ the anal sacs are 2 small pouches on either side of the anus at approximately the 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock positions. Each sac is connected to the outside by a small duct that opens just inside the anus.

The anal sac secretion acts as a territorial marker-“dog’s calling card”
Why are they causing a problem in my dog?
Anal sac disease is very common. The sacs frequently become impacted and swollen. It is then painful for your dog to pass faeces. The material within the sac can grow bacteria which will lead to abscesses forming. If untreated anal sac infection can cause severe damage to the anus and rectum.

How do I know if my dog has anal sac disease?

The first sign is often scooting or dragging the rear along the ground

How is anal sac disease treated?
Treatment involves expressing or emptying the sacs. It may be necessary to flush out the pus of solidified material. This may require a sedative. In advanced cases antibiotics and surgery may be necessary.
Surgical removal can alleviate the problem altogether.

Regular exercise, weight loss and dietary additives such as Fibor® all help prevent anal sac disease.
Fibor® helps by increasing the bulk of the stool to improve anal sac evacuation. It also helps by improving satiety and reducing obesity.
It has other benefits such as controlling constipation and lose stools by improving intestinal health.
Fibor® is available from Kohimarama Veterinary Clinic


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Kohimarama Vets

325 Kohimarama Road
St Heliers, Auckland 1071
