
Phovia Lighting the Way

One of our newest and might I add coolest products is PHOVIA!
Light therapy by Vetoquinol, PHOVIA uses fluorescent biomodulation to heal damaged skin. Through polychromatic light exposure, different layers of the skin are healed by various light wavelengths. A cascade of molecular reactions stimulates the process of healing.

Several nasty skin conditions can be treated with PHOVIA, such as deep pyoderma, hot spots, wounds, dermatitis, folliculitis, etc.
The 2 standout features of this product both involve time. The time it takes to carry out the procedure is short and the time it takes for the skin to transform is even shorter! The results really speak for themselves.

We recently had an unfortunate emergency case of a dog, called Milo, brought into the clinic after being attacked by another dog. Milo had a large part of the skin over his neck and shoulders ripped open along with other minor wounds. Once he had been stabilised, we decided to include PHOVIA in our treatment plan. Each week for the next month we had Milo come in for 2 back-to-back PHOVIA sessions. Along with good bandaging and of course the light therapy, we saw improvements in half the time it would normally take for such a wound to heal.
Milo’s progress was quite amazing, Phovia accelerated the rate of healing and the process is quick and done usually in the consulting room.

At Kohimarama Veterinary Clinic we also have a Class 4 physiotherapy laser which we use for trauma and muscular or arthritic pain. It also reduces post-operative pain and discomfort.


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Kohimarama Vets

325 Kohimarama Road
St Heliers, Auckland 1071
