325 Kohimarama Road
St Heliers, Auckland 1071
Email reception@kohivet.co.nz
How to manage fireworks fear in pets:
• Keep them inside and create a safe environment.
• Keep more water available than usual, as some pets tend to drink more when nervous.
• Take them outside on a lead if they require toileting.
• Make sure your pets are wearing a collar with ID tag or that their microchip information is up to date.
Drug free remedies:
• Synthetic pheromone sprays, like Feliway for cats and Adaptil for dogs: gives them a sense of well-being.
• Play calming music to reduce stress.
• Ears muffs to muffle sounds.
• Classical counter-conditioning – give them treats, offer your pet his favourite toys, or have your pet practice his tricks with you.
• Use calming wraps like ThunderShirt, that reduces anxiety by applying constant pressure to the chest.
If your pet is nervous around loud, unexpected noises, a short-term sedative before the fireworks start may be ideal.
Most importantly: DO NOT USE ANY OF YOUR OWN PRESCRIPTIONS, as dosage may be potentially harmful.
Now is a good time to have a consultation with our veterinarians regarding fireworks fear. Every individual is different and if medication is needed, it might require trialling different drugs and doses.
Kohimarama Vets
325 Kohimarama Road
St Heliers, Auckland 1071
Email reception@kohivet.co.nz