Regular Blood Testing. Why it is so important to your Pet’s Health.
At Kohimarama Veterinary Clinic, we offer blood tests as part of the Annual Health Check and Vaccinations. It is a good idea to consider blood testing every 2 to 3 years. Sophie’s story below, written by her owner, is a good reminder of why it is so important.
“Over the years I've had many Vets ask if we wanted bloods taken from our dogs, including Sophie. Often described as a useful thing to do because changes over time can be seen and tracked. The importance of that never really registered until our experience with Sophie's liver failure. My assumption was that illness would be evident. My takeout from her Liver illness was, that is not always the case. Liver disease and then failure progressed slowly and gradually and was not apparent until she had a vastly reduced liver size, function, and cirrhosis. Too late sadly. So now, I think of blood tests as an early detection system. For $140 or there about it's a whole lot less expensive than a $3500 liver biopsy, not to mention emergency care and an ultrasound before all that.
So I'd advise owners to have bloods taken as part of the annual health check on their pet (especially owners of pedigree dogs who may be pre-disposed to certain illnesses).
We did everything we could for Sophie once we knew something was badly wrong. My only lasting regret is that we did not discover her illness earlier. A blood test is pretty much the only way it would have come to light.
Sophie was only six and a half years old when we had to put her to sleep.
I hope the story helps some of your clients and saves them the heartache we felt.”