325 Kohimarama Road
St Heliers, Auckland 1071
Email reception@kohivet.co.nz
1. Have a night in; close all doors, windows, and curtains. Your presence will help relax your pet.
2. Take your dog for a toilet walk before dusk.
3. Drown out the noise with the TV or stereo
4. Food distractions
5. Act natural
6. Get assistance; plan if you need something to reduce your pet’s anxiety:
• Pheromones such as Adaptil™ and Feliway™
• A Thunder Jacket for your pet to wear
• Natural supplements such as Calmex™ and Pet Rescue Remedy
• Stronger relaxants will require a veterinary prescription and should be started well in advance of being required
Call the clinic for advice on what may be best suited for your pet.
Kohimarama Vets
325 Kohimarama Road
St Heliers, Auckland 1071
Email reception@kohivet.co.nz