
We are very excited to announce the arrival of a new spot-on flea protection product for dogs. Many of you already use the Bravecto chews which provide 3 months continuous protection against fleas and ticks in one tasty chew.

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Hyperthyroidism is a common condition, often affecting older cats.

The thyroid gland is a small gland that sits within the neck; it is responsible for producing thyroid hormones which control our metabolism. With hyperthyroidism there is excessive production of these hormones which result in an increased metabolism. This means the body is burning through more energy.

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MPI have now approved the release of a new Rabbit Haemorrhagic Virus Disease strain nationwide this Autumn. Flies are an important transmission vector travelling long distances spreading the disease far and wide. Only a few virus particles are needed to infect a rabbit. There is no effective treatment for the disease other than vaccination.

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Toxoplasmosis is a protozoal disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii. Cats act as the intermediate host and can infect humans, but cats don’t normally show symptoms of disease themselves. To prevent developing toxoplasmosis.

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It is important to feed puppies and kittens a good high quality commercial pet food designed for optimal growth and stick to feeding guide lines, especially with large breed dogs, to help prevent orthopaedic problems.

Growth diets are high in protein and fat to support growth and provide optimal amounts of calcium, phosphorous, upper and essential fatty acids necessary for bone formation and maturation and cartilage maturation.

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It’s that time of year again where our pets are more likely to be itching and scratching. This is uncomfortable and frustrating for them, and frustrating for us, especially if it gets to the point where our furry family members are keeping us awake scratching all night. The good news is, that while many causes of itching can be complicated, there are ways that we can manage it so that we can keep our furry friends happy and comfortable over the warm summer months.

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Now that we’re coming into the warmer months it is important to be aware of heat stress in your pets. Heat stress can be a very serious problem and in severe cases can quickly be fatal.

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It’s tempting to think that our beloved dog or cat is getting slower, sleeping more, and less active due to old age. We all know that old age is not a disease, but osteoarthritis is. Chances are your pet is probably just too sore to run, fetch the ball and jump around as they used to. Inside their inner kitten and puppy might just be bursting to get out!

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